0800 6124 909


Something for all people of all abilities who
want to improve their lives. Includes weight
loss, self-defence and much more


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Train with certainty and confidence!


The adult classes are extremely popular at Simac Mixed Martial Arts Schools because they offer something for people of all abilities who want to improve their lives.

  • Get Fit
  • Confidence
  • Weight Control
  • Self-Defence
  • Tone Up
  • Body Definition
  • Great Fun

Many of you will be living sedentary lifestyles (a polite way of saying you sit on your backside most of the day) and want to get a grip on your level of fitness or shed some weight. The Simac Mixed Martial Arts Adult Classes are perfect for this and at the same time you will pick up useful self-defence skills and meet new people.

The programme is designed to increase muscle tone, flexibility, strength, confidence, weight loss, self-defence and much much more. Simac Mixed Martial Arts classes are a great way to meet new people who have similar goals of getting in shape and one day perhaps achieving a Black Belt. The classes are conducted at your pace so you won’t be expected to perform like a professional until you are ready to be one!


We teach all students to be safe by using a common sense approach to protection. This means understanding self-defence techniques, self-defence strategy, and conflict resolution techniques. We also teach body language concepts to our students. The way you make eye contact with somebody, and the way you use your voice. Our communities continue to suffer from crime and violence so some ability in self-defence is very important as one day it could save your life!

Get Fit!

You may have tried every diet in the book, but most of us now understand that there’s no substitute for sensible eating and regular exercise. Martial arts programmes have been hugely successful in the last 20 years in helping men and women to lose weight and achieve their dream body shapes. Simac Mixed Adult Classes go beyond this for a number of reasons.

1. The Simac programme is fun and exciting. Every class you take at a Simac Mixed Martial Arts school will be different than the last. You will always learn something new. Gyms, and aerobics and fitness videos become very repetitive and after a while most people drop out. That’s not the case with us people come to classes, get hooked and stick with it.

2. You train in our classes at your own pace – Our Classes are split into different levels:

Beginner programme (Basic)
Intermediate programme (Black Belt Club)
Advanced programme (Masters Club)
Leadership programme (Mixed ability)

This means that everyone in your class is in the same situation as yourself. You will not be thrown in a class with a bunch of Black Belts like many other martial arts organisations practice. We are professionals and believe in doing everything we can to help you reach your goals easily and safely. You will only be expected to train to your own level and the instructor will specifically adjust the class to the student’s needs.

3. Simac staff are experienced and are there to motivate you to reach your goals. At Simac Mixed Martial Arts Schools we pride ourselves in having a fully trained, highly qualified team of Instructors. The Instructors attend regular course’s to keep their martial arts and kickboxing skills and teaching methods up to the high standard required by Master Simac.

4. As well as the physical benefits you gain from the Simac programme, there are many mental benefits such as; self-control, self-confidence, positive thinking, communication skills, goal setting, perseverance, courage, increased motivation, increased level of focus and reduced stress levels.

We know our Adult Class martial arts programme has much more to offer than those you’ll generally come across so don’t waste time call the enrollment office on 0800 612 4909.


super simacs martial arts kids classes
martial arts for kids ages 3 to 6

Ages 3 to 6

Specially designed to introduce young children aged from 3 to 6 to the fun and lessons that come from martial arts

Martial Arts Classes for Junior Kids ages 7 to 14

Children Ages 7 to 14

Designed to give your child (7-14) physical fitness & confidence, improve school work and teach respect for others

self defence and martial arts ftness classes for adults

For Adult Members

Something for all people of all abilities who want to improve their lives includes weight loss, self-defence and much more



Simac MMA

14 + 13 =




4:30pm (Age group 3-6)
5:30pm (Age group 7-14)
6:30pm (Adults)

4:30pm (Age group 3-6)
5:30pm (Age group 7-14)
6:30pm (Adults)

10am (Age group 3-6)
11am (Age group 7-14)
12 noon (Adults)

5pm (Age Group 6-14) 

6pm (Age Group 6-14)